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This blog brings you short updates about the people and ministries associated with Calvary Chapel Scandinavia (CCS). Tip us about good stories at csu@calvarychapel.dk or via Facebook or Twitter (twitter.com/ccscandinavia).

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Guest speakers tap into Scandinavian unity

Three guest pastors came to the Calvary Chapel Scandinavia Conference 2014 to teach God's Word and encourage the believers, and all of them left impressed by the love and unity that binds the fellowships in Scandinavia together.

There were both fresh and familiar faces among this year's guest speakers as pastors Craig Quam of CC Montebelluna and Rafael Manzanares of CC Mallorca both made their debuts at a CC Scandinavia conference while David Guzik and his wife Inga-Lill were there continue their support for the work in Scandinavia of many years.

David Guzik, Craig Quam, and Rafael Manzanares joined local pastors Bob Pecoraro, Joel Wickström, Daniel Jacobsen, and Simeon Fuchs on the teaching bill as the conference congregation were taken through the first 10 chapters of 1 Corinthians in 12 main sessions.

Here's what the guest speakers thought of this year's conference:

David and Inga-Lill Guzik
David Guzik helped launch the first Scandinavian conferences 16 years ago and has been to most of them since then. Today he pastors CC Santa Barbara in California, and this year he attended the conference together with his wife Inga-Lill, who is originally from Sweden. Both of them refreshed by the return to Scandinavia.

"I'm really struck by the spirit of fellowship here. The New Testament word is koinonia, a real sharing, and you sense that in such a strong way here. I also love that there's a wonderful openness to the move of the spirit at this conference. It's a deep, meaningful time," said David Guzik before having to leave the conference late Friday night to make it back to CC Santa Barbara in time for Sunday's church services.

"I always take back a renewed heart and vision to pray for Scandinavia. Especially because I get a chance to connect with so many of the leaders of the works that are going on here, I feel like I have a better idea of how to pray. And personally, I'm refreshed by the fellowship and the love and the grace that's shown around here," he added.

His wife Inga-Lill also attended the conference this year, teaching a women's workshop and meeting with the wives of pastors and ministry leaders from across the region to encourage and advise them.

"There's a sense that everybody knows how hard it is in Scandinavia, and so there's a comradery that makes you realize that nobody's got it easy, you're all in the same situation of hard struggle and hard labor that it is to ministry here. That bonds people together in a strong way, it creates a feeling that you need each other's company. So the fellowship is always the best part of this conference," she says.

Craig Quam
Attending a CC Scandinavia conference for the first time, pastor Craig Quam from CC Montebelluna in Italy was pleasantly surprised to see up close what God is doing in the Scandinavian region.

"It's been a amazing to worship the Lord with my Scandinavian brothers and sisters and to meet old friends and make new ones. The churches in Scandinavia are geographically and culturally unique, and that creates a real warmth. I was especially impressed by how the pastors and leaders here work together and you can see there's a lot of unity, and that's great," he said.

Rafael Manzanares
Pastor of CC Mallorca in Spain, Rafael Manzanares, taught the first Scandinavian leadership retreat last year, but this was his first regional CC Scandinavia conference.

"It's so great to be here because of the great love you see in the people as well as the unity, and the hunger to be together and to go from teaching to teaching to teaching. It's just very refreshing to see the oneness of the body here in Scandinavia," said Rafael.

You can hear more reactions from the three guest speakers plus other conference participants in the next edition of the radio podcast Calvary Scandinavia Update, which will be released soon (subscribe to the podcast here to be notified of the release).

All teachings from this year's conference will be available online soon. Stay tuned on this blog for more info.

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