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Monday, July 15, 2013

Calvary Stockholm reaches out to Sweden's capitol

On Sweden's National Day Calvary Chapel Stockholm took to the streets to reach out to their part of the capitol with a big-scale outreach event. Many came by to hear the gospel message through music and one-on-one conversations.

"We'd been planning it for months together with a few other church-plants, so it was really great to see it all work out just as we had hoped and prayed for. We got to talk to a lot of people, and it was great to see our whole church involved in reaching out to the city. It was great team work and it really did knit us together even more," says pastor of Calvary Stockholm, Joel Wickström.

Calvary Stockholm's own worship team were among the bands that played at the event as were worship leader Aaron Pratt from CC Finland who came over to play and help out at the event.

In the weeks following the event, the reactions have been positive from many.

"I have talked to many people who came to the event, and they were touched and blessed. We even had one girl come to our church service yesterday because she had gotten a flier at the event and had been thinking about the message," says Joel.

In addition to the event on Sweden's National Day, this summer has been one with several new opportunities to evangelize for Calvary Stockholm. This past week, for instance, a sudden opportunity came upon the young church as four non-believers walked into Calvary Stockholm's church facilities by mistake after a church service. They fell into a conversation with several members of the church fellowship and two of them ended up receiving Christ as their Savior, walking out the door with each their own new Bible and a desire to follow Jesus!

Below is a brief video report from the outreach event on Sweden's National Day:

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