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This blog brings you short updates about the people and ministries associated with Calvary Chapel Scandinavia (CCS). Tip us about good stories at csu@calvarychapel.dk or via Facebook or Twitter (twitter.com/ccscandinavia).

Monday, March 1, 2010

"He has put a new song in my mouth..."

When the worship team strikes the first note at this summer's CCS Conference to lead us all in worship of our God and Savior, you may hear a tune that you've never sung previously. Worship leader Aaron Pratt is ready with a remedy.

While teaching about spontaneity in worship someone once said, "worship leaders must plan to be spontaneous." The idea is that, just as a pastor prepares the message to be shared from the pulpit, the worship leader should plan and prepare both the worship band as well as the congregation to be able to follow the Holy Spirit as He leads in worship. At past Scandinavian conferences, we have shared sweet times of worship and praise together; but no doubt a number of songs have been totally new to some people. That makes it harder for them to sing and worship.

To make this problem less likely at this summer's conference, worship leader Aaron Pratt has put together a solution.

"We have created a website where you can listen to some of the newer songs we commonly sing right now. You can also find a songbook with hundreds of songs' lyrics, as well as other helpful links. Over the coming months more songs will likely be added. The aim of worship should be that we can all enter into worship and make one sound of praise and thanking to the LORD! This, too, will be our aim at the conference in August. I for one can't wait," says Aaron.

The website address is http://calvarychapel.fi/en/scandConfWorship.php

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