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Friday, August 14, 2009
Meatball Matadors rise to the top in Viking Games II
This year's Viking Games II ended with a narrow victory to the Meatball Matadors, led by team captain Brenten Powers. He salutes his team mates Aaron & Sara, Yuri & Lidia, Ralph & Robin, and Per Jacobsen in the moment of victory.
"I'm proud of how our team worked together using our various strengths to gain the lead. We couldn't have done it without Ralph Wood's Bible knowledge, Sara Pratt's knowledge of Sweden, Aaron Pratt's goal keeping and gaining the extra points by blocking a balloon with his head. Good job team!," Brenten says.
In the other end of the standings, there was no contest. It wasn't even close. Led by captain Kyle Bentz, the ABBA All-stars owned the last place from start to finish.
"If I could sum up our team's losses in several semi-encouraging constructive words, they would have to be 'destruction', 'complete annihilation', and 'utterfailure'. I was told if we answered all the Bible questions with the answer "Sweden is the best" we would be a sure winner to this year's games. Apparently I was lied too. Nonetheless in what we lossed in points we gained in fun and friendships as a team. ABBA ALLSTARS FOREVER!!!," says the defeated captain, who assures his team's fans that he will fully recover just in time for next years conference.
Whichever team you were rooting for, don't miss this short video re-cap of the 2009 Viking Games II:
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