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This blog brings you short updates about the people and ministries associated with Calvary Chapel Scandinavia (CCS). Tip us about good stories at csu@calvarychapel.dk or via Facebook or Twitter (twitter.com/ccscandinavia).

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer growth in Stockholm

As the Swedish harvest season approaches, Calvary Bible Study in Stockholm continues to plant and prepare for the spiritual harvest.

"In our fellowship God has allowed and blessed our growth," says Joel Wickström, who recently started the Stockholm ministry.

"We have moved from just praying every Tuesday since March on the phone, to now getting together every Tuesday night for prayers in my home. It's very exciting to see all of us getting down on our knees, crying out to God," he says.

"Of our 15 people, we have about 10 nationalities and it's very cool to have such a blend [of people] - where there is neither Jew, Russian, Swede, Lebanese, Iranian, Iraqian, and so on, but one group in Christ Jesus."

The word on the street
Street witnessing has been a very important part of Calvary Bible Study from the very beginning of the ministry. Thousands of so-called "manna cards" have been handed out to people in the Swedish capitol's downtown area. And this is due to continue throughout the summer. ´

"We have received 7000 new Bible Verses that we can hand out on Wednesday. That has been made possible through our support church, Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Canada, who have blessed us with the funds to pay for it. We have designed them ourselves and feel both thankful and excited at how they turned out. Most verses are from the book of John," explains Joel Wickström, adding that the impact of this ministry spreads beyond Stockholm's city limits.

"We were also excited to learn that a Danish girl wanted 600 Bible Verses to hand out on the streets in Denmark, to plant the seeds there as well."

You can follow the ministry in Stockholm by checking out their new website: www.calvarystockholm.se/

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