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This blog brings you short updates about the people and ministries associated with Calvary Chapel Scandinavia (CCS). Tip us about good stories at csu@calvarychapel.dk or via Facebook or Twitter (twitter.com/ccscandinavia).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Baptized at the Conference

17 year-old Emil Broegger was baptized on Saturday morning at this year's Scandinavian conference.

A few hours after sunrise, Emil Broegger opened his Bible in front of a small crowd of people who had come down to the waterfront to see him make one of the most important public statements so far in his life; to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. He shared with his fellow conference attendees what God has done in his life, after which he and Pastor David Guzik walked out into the morning waters. A few moments later, Emil returned to the applauding audience on the shore with a big smile on his face.

"I have been wanting to get baptized for a long time in order to show God and the world that I desire to live 100 pct. for Him. The conference was a great occasion for this, since I preferred to be baptized among like-minded believers from a ministry that I feel connected to. Although it was early morning temperatures, it felt awesome to be immersed in the water," Emil says.

The baptism of Emil Broegger was the second baptism in the history of the Scandinavian conferences - as Emil's older brother Samuel had the pleasure of being baptized at the conference in 2006.

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