Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An Open Door in Norway

Christian and Autumn Nagy have been given an opportunity to host a weekly Bible Study for high school students in Kvitsund, Norway. The first study kicks off this week.

The administrator of the Christian High School that Christian and Autumn Nagy work for in Kvitsund recently approached them to see if they would host one of the Thursday night Bible studies for the students that are hosted by a few staff families.

"We were so excited about it," says Autumn Nagy, "so we said yes!"

"Please pray for Christian and I as we take on this Bible study for the students starting already this week!!! Pray for wisdom on what to say to these students and that some students would actually come!!!," Autumn Nagy says.

The first study takes place this Thursday at 8pm. You can read more about the ministry of Christian and Autumn Nagy at their ministry website (although it has not yet been updated after their recent move from England to Norway).


  1. So how was the Bible study? I would love to Hear an update. Calvary chapel activity is sadly pretty much nonexistent in norway. Did it go well and do you still live there?

  2. Yes would also love to hear what God is doing in Norway with calvary chapel
