Tuesday, August 5, 2008

From Latvia with Love

American missionaries Brenten and Lena Powers were able to come to the Scandinavian conference for the first time this year with their kids, Caleb and Lilly. Now back in Latvia, here's what they have to say about their time at the conference:

"We were greatly encouraged and refreshed by the fellowship with our brothers and sisters from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland and Canada. Although Latvia is technically not a Scandinavian country, we found that many of the issues we face in the Baltics are similar to the rest of Northern Europe, and we found ourselves received and knit to this group of believers. Overall, we were all really blessed with the Acts 2:42 environment; 'continuing steadfastly in the teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers'."

You can read much more about the Powers' ministry in Latvia by visiting their blog.

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