Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Nate Holdridge Interview

The radio podcast Calvary Scandinavia Update has interviewed pastor of Calvary Monterey, Nate Holdridge, who is one of the guest speakers at this year's Scandinavian conference.

When Nate Holdridge drove through the main gate at the Bible College in Murrieta at age 18, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. As the son of a pastor, he was struggling to find a solid foothold in his own relationship with Jesus but still thought he knew most of what there was to know about the Bible and Christianity. But God met Nate during the time at Bible college, showed him his need for His Spirit, and called him to be a teacher of His Word. And he has been teaching ever since.

In an exclusive interview with the podcast Calvary Scandinavia Update, pastor Nate Holdridge shares the story of his journey from growing up in a pastor's home, to finding his own faith in Christ, to taking his first careful steps into ministry, to suddenly becoming the senior pastor of a large church at age 29, to now balancing his own roles as a pastor and a parent.

He reveals how he felt when some people left the church after he became pastor, and how he approaches teaching God's Word to God's people. Also, find out how he met his wife Christina, and why they have a growing passion for the work of God in Scandinavia.

The 50 minute interview is available now on the Calvary Scandinavia Update podcast which you can download or stream via iTunes or on

Click here to hear the exclusive interview with Nate Holdridge and click on the short video below to hear Nate express his expectations for the upcoming Scandinavian conference:

201304_ConferenceTeaser_NateHoldridge from Calvary Chapel Scandinavia on Vimeo.